How Self Deprecating Thoughts Shape You into a Shell
When I look around myself, I see everybody moving, working, accomplishing things. Someone is studying, some are working on their assignments, a few are working hard to earn, some are travelling, others are photographing, many are baking, writing, publishing books, leading a group, speaking in the public! Everyone has done and is doing things. And while I am looking in all my directions, I see not even a single person who is sitting idle. I forgot to tell you that I did not look at myself lately, which is why I could not find anyone idle. Not carefree, but idle. No work, yet stressed. No worry, yet depressed. Many friends, yet lonely. Just the basic woman-on-period stuff, you see. But I am talking about doing something. Motivational speeches, soulful writings, poems, sumptuous food, experiments, inventions, art, architecture... Everyone is into one field or another and yielding decent money. Whereas, I, despite being a woman of man...
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